Different data analysis tools: R vs Python vs Excel
Different data analysis tools
Source: fast campus (https://www.fastcampus.co.kr/)
- There are many tools for data analysis.
- Each tool has its own strength so that acknowledging the difference and smartly using different tools depending on situations is important for analysists.
- R has long been used for statistical analysis and visualization.
- R provides abundant statistics functions.
- Yet, as it is specialized in statistics, R is difficult to extend to other systems.
- Relatively slow.
Not only for analysis, but also extensible to different systems for example using APIs.
Python has gotten great attention for its performance on deep learning (recently python usage has overtaken R usage).
Faster than R (but slower than Java or C).
Yet, Python is general purpose language in comparison with R which has clearer focus on statistics computation.
Conventional spreadsheet program.
Easy to make reports clicking button.
Yet, data should be structured and the size of data matters.
Then, which suits best for us?
R when you have a project in which statistical accuracy greatly matters.
Python if you need fast performance and you want various links with other systems.
Excel if you need a quick report by using relatively less large and structured data.
More to read
- Python or R: Which Is A Better Choice For Data Science? (https://habr.com/en/post/482500/)
- Python vs R for Data Science (https://towardsdatascience.com/python-vs-r-for-data-science-6a83e4541000)
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